Effective October 1, The Baity Hill Package Center hours will be Monday-Friday 12PM-6PM, and closed Saturdays.
The following agencies will continue to deliver packages to your apartment door:
- FedEx Express (overnight)
The following agencies will continue to deliver packages to the mailroom in your building:
- FedEx Ground
- FedEx Home Delivery
The following agencies will continue to deliver packages to the Baity Hill Package Center (made available for pick up between 12pm and 6pm Monday-Friday):
- The Post Office (USPS, not to be confused with UPS)
- Amazon Logistics (Dynamex)
- LaserShip
The Baity Hill Package Center will remain open from 12PM-6PM Monday through Friday (with the exception of University Holidays). Should you receive a delivery notification from the shipping agency that a package was delivered to the Baity Hill Package Center, please wait until you receive an email notification from UNC Package Centers before attempting to pick it up. Your Student ID is required to retrieve your package(s).
Letter mail will continue to be delivered to your mailbox in the mailroom on the garage level of your building Monday-Saturday (with the exception of federal holidays). Your apartment key opens your mailbox. You are responsible to regularly check and remove all mail from your mailbox. If you recieve an item of mail that is addressed to someone else, please place it in the MISDIRECTED MAIL BIN beside the mailboxes. NOTE: If mail is properly addressed to you, you are responsible to take it with you. Please do not throw unwanted mail in the misdirected mail bin. If you wish to throw mail away, please do so with your household trash.
The US Postal Service does not provide change of address service. To ensure your mail is properly delivered to you after you move out, we encourage you to process address change requests directly with companies who routinely send you important mail. Update your mailing address by directly contacting your:
- Bank, credit card, cell phone provider
- Monthly subscriptions (Magazines, Ipsy, Hello Fresh)
- Family and friends
Begin this process early, as companies can take time to process said changes. For example, go to your bank’s website and directly update your mailing address. Text your family and friends giving them your updated address. After you check-out, you will no longer be permitted to access your mailbox, and all mail will be returned to the sender by the Post Office.
NOTICE: It is a federal crime to intentionally take or open mail or packages that are addressed to someone else, regardless of where those items are delivered. Should you receive a package or article of mail addressed to someone else to your apartment door, mailbox, or mailroom, DO NOT DISTURB IT. If you are unsure, please contact the Baity Hill office at 919-843-8831 for instructions.