Community Resident Advisor Position
Community Resident Advisors (CRA) work to create an inclusive on-campus housing environment that promotes personal development, citizenship, involvement, and leadership through the practice of Community Immersion. CRAs serve as a resource for students in their community and as a role model at UNC Chapel Hill. CRAs serve populations that are primarily graduate students or families. CRAs are supervised by a Community Director (CD).
Resident Advisors do not maintain traditional 8am-5pm, M-F hours, with work hours varying based upon residential community needs and the needs of the department. This includes nighttime and weekend commitments. Required workdays will include: special events, sporting events (including but not limited to home/away Duke games, final four games, national championship games, etc.), Halloween, LDOC, staff selection days, instances of inclement weather, emergencies, and other unforeseen circumstances. Student staff are required to attend all designated training days. RAs are required to work during break periods, including but not limited to: Fall Breaks, Thanksgiving Breaks, Winter Breaks, Spring Breaks, and Spring Holiday. RAs are required to serve on an On Call rotation on both week and weekend days. The frequency of On Call shifts varies based on community size.
CRAs are selected to serve areas that house primarily graduate students and families. Because of this, resident interactions and programs will be specifically designed to support the needs of this community. CRAs may partner with offices around campus to provide specific support (the Graduate School, UNC Global, etc.).
A successful CRA has a passion for working with a diverse student population, a commitment to student learning and development, and strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills. A successful CRA demonstrates initiative, possesses the ability to work autonomously as well as part of a team, communicates effectively, and maintains a positive attitude.
This job description is meant to provide an outline of essential job functions of the CRA position and is not an all-inclusive list. Throughout the course of the year there will be times where staff will be called to service based on the needs of the community that may not be outlined in a job description. CRAs agree to meet and abide by the standards described in this document; the CRA Letter of Appointment; the Student Staff Ethical Principles; the Community Living Standards; the Housing Contract; the expectations communicated by Carolina Housing during trainings and by their supervisor; University policies; and State and Federal Laws.
- Students applying to this position must meet the following qualifications starting at time the employment application closes, during the applicant’s candidacy and throughout the tenure of employment. All employees/applicants must:
- Be in good standing academically within the CRA’s program requirements and be in good conduct standing with Carolina Housing (i.e. not having an active sanction of housing contract probation or higher; not having an overdue sanction).
- Maintain good financial standing with the University and with Carolina Housing.
- Notify their direct supervisor in writing, regardless of intent to appeal, upon receiving a referral for a University violation (i.e. Honor Code, Alcohol Policy, the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct), conviction of a crime, or responsible finding for violating any University policy. Carolina Housing has the right to take employment action, up to and including termination, based on this information.
- Complete a criminal background check at start of employment. Any offer of employment from Carolina Housing is contingent upon the results of the background check. Carolina Housing reserves the right to withdraw, rescind, or cancel its employment offer or appointment at any time if Carolina Housing, in its sole discretion, determines that the employee’s background check results are not satisfactory.
- Students applying to this position must meet the following qualifications starting on the first day of employment throughout the tenure of employment. Employees must:
- Maintain enrollment as a full-time student and cannot be employed on a permanent, full-time basis concurrently. Student staff are “at will” employees, are not eligible for layoff priority employment or severance pay, and may be terminated at any time without additional compensation. A lapse in student status occurs during breaks (winter and summer) when an employee is not enrolled in courses. This lapse does not affect employment eligibility, though it will subject the employee to FICA tax deductions.
- Maintain appropriate balance while in this position, with the guidance that CRAs have no more than 40 hours of involvement per week (including 20 hours for the CRA position, academic credit hours, and other campus involvement). CRAs will discuss their involvement and additional employment (paid or unpaid) for approval from both their direct supervisor and Assistant Director.
- CRAs may take no more than 18 credit hours per semester (if an undergraduate student).
- Live in the residence hall to which they are assigned by Carolina Housing for the duration of their appointment. In the case of mid-term resignation or termination, CRAs will still be bound by the Housing Contract and will be given a new room assignment at the discretion of Carolina Housing that may require relocation to another room or residence hall, if applicable
- Have access to a mobile phone or private land line that has an activated voice mailbox while employed, and will provide their direct supervisor with a number to this phone.
Carolina Housing provides Community Resident Advisors (CRA) a compensation package that includes:
- A stipend payment of $11,000 divided into 10 payments and paid out monthly on the last business day of the month (except December).
- The stipend is prorated and the number of payments decreases if hire date is after the first day of student staff training.
Carolina Housing encourages applicants and employees to consider if this compensation package will affect their financial aid package. Please contact Scholarships and Student Aid, 962-8396 for information on eligibility for aid and employment.
Mandatory Information Sessions
Students applying for the CRA position will be required to attend an Information Session to learn more about the position! Mark your calendars! Can't make it? Reach out to Megan FinCannon, Associate Director of Residential Living
- Tuesday, June 7, 7:30am - 8:30am
- Thursday, June 9, 12pm - 1pm